6th Grade General Science
Foods, Resources and its Components
Sources of food
Food habits of animals and the food chain
Types of nutrients and other components of food
Deficiency diseases
Measurement, time and motion
Measurement, Units of Measurement
Need for accurate measurement
Motion, Types of Motion
History of Transportation
Light, shadows and reflections
Light, Sources of light
Transparent, Opaque and Translucent Materials
Reflection and images
Acids, bases and Salts
Acids and their types
Bases and their types
Salts and their types
Properties and Uses of Acids, Bases & Salts
The living and non living things
Similarities in living and non-living thing
Difference between living and non-living thing
Characteristics of living things
The plant world
Classification of plants
Parts of a plant
Root and Shoot System
Flower and parts of a Flower
Seperation of Substances
Pure substance and mixture
Properties of mixture
Separation of substances from mixture
Methods of separation