General Science


In the 5th grade, students get to learn different aspects of science. They will learn the importance of food and how different components of food help us live, how the earth's rocks have come about, and how fossil fuels help in doing daily tasks. They will learn about plants and how each organ of a plant contributes to its survival, and they will gain an understanding about how animals function and different processes that occur in them. And to top it all of, they will comprehend the basic idea of biotic and abiotic factors. Here is an in depth view of the course:

6th Grade

Students in 6th grade go deeper in Science. Not only do they learn Biology and life Science but they also start to learn a little bit Physics and Chemistry. In the Biological chapters of their syllabus, they will learn the importance of food, different nutrients in food, deficiency diseases, and how food chain occurs. They will comprehend the characteristics of living things and similarities and differences between living and non-living thing. They will also learn about plants. In chemistry, they will learn about how Acids and Bases react to form salts. In physics, they will learn about making measurements, how things move and Light.